2020 Renewable Energy, Utilities Industry Outlook

Considering adding renewable power to your organization? We’ll tell you why it’s a good idea. The power and utilities industry started strong in the new decade. Trends around climate goals, DER, and growth are expected to continue; however, the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the path of the clean energy transition1. Is this a positive change?…

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The Importance of Renewables in the North

In every off-grid community in Nunavut, Nunavik, the Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Labrador, diesel generators are used to keep the lights on. Even in some larger communities such as Iqaluit, diesel is the main source of power.1 The Problem with Diesel The issue with diesel generated power is that it’s dirty. Not only does burning…

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Power Logic Users Conference (PLUG) with Schneider Electric 2019

You are invited! Join us October 17th, 2019 for the annual PowerLogic Users Group (PLUG) conference. It’s free and anyone can join! What is it? The conference brings together industry leading experts in electrical metering, energy management and power quality analysis to review unique applications and best practices. Case studies, energy management strategies and product…

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