For Large Consumers

Whether your project involves industrial automation, connection to a transmission or distribution system, or you require an energy consultant to assess your organization's energy-saving potential; our highly qualified team offers a professional service to maximize your success.

A professional methodology is applied to all work conducted by our team that maintains the highest qualifications in their fields of expertise.

Key Projects

Gannet Fleming Canada ULC - Metrolinx

Nsci has been working as a member of the Owner’s engineer team for several years. N-Sci’s responsibilities include:

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    N-Sci prepared the required documentation and electrical design package to obtain Hydro One’s Transmission Load Connection Agreement and approvals in compliance with IESO Market Rule Manuals and Procedures;

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    In conjunction with Gannett Fleming and Metrolinx, N-Sci will verify documents, drawings and forms, submit and execute studies and agreements, licenses, certifications as required by IESO, OEB, ESA and other AHJs (Authorities Having Jurisdiction);

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    N-Sci coordinated the connection application process with Hydro One and obtain final connection approval from IESO;

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    N-Sci prepared the System Impact Application (SIA) and Customer Impact Application (CIA) to IESO and Hydro One as applicable on behalf of Metrolinx;

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    N-Sci reviewed other applicable regulatory reviews and requirements with OEB (i.e. requirements to obtain Leave to Construct and Licensing requirements, as applicable);

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    N-Sci will initiate and execute the Connective Cost Estimate (CCE) study agreement with Hydro One;

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    N-Sci will initiate and execute the Connective Cost Recovery Agreement (CCRA) with Hydro One and begin associated milestone payments in conjunction with Gannett Fleming;

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    N-Sci will initiate and obtain all other regulatory approval processes required to obtain final approval to connect to IESO controlled grid;

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    N-Sci will register Facilities as a Market Participant with IESO and commercial arrangements with IESO for supply of power;

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    N-Sci will submit equipment information and as-built package to IESO as required and provide support for Operation Network ability tests as required by IESO. This assignment is still in progress.

Tenaris Algoma Tubes Inc.

Tenaris provided support from an external engineering firm to provide electrical design services to upgrade and/or modify heavy industrial manufacturing facilities from the electrical point of view with the goal of solving operational and maintenance problems.

The purpose of these assignments was to determine appropriate AC components to be used to replace DC components that had reached end of life for service drive/motor systems ranging in size from 50 hp to 450 hp.

N-Sci’s responsibilities included:

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    Analysis to compare the new motor and drive to the application specification;

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    Confirmation of feeder cable and breaker size for feeder supplying Motor Control Center (MCC);

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    Specifications for Drive Components, Drive Cabinet, power, and control cabling;

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    Confirmation of existing motor mount for use with new motor (civil/structural allowance to be carried as this scope is not well defined);

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    Engineering Design of the Drive and Motor system, including:

    • Single Line Diagram,
    • Comparison between the existing and new design for the general arrangement of both the motor and drive,
    • Comparison of the design for the motor mount,
    • Layout of Drive Cabinet including VFD components, low HP lubrication pump motor
      starters, closed loop air cooling system and PLC remote I/O drop for control and motor temperature monitoring; and
    • Wiring diagrams of the drive cabinet, motor, and Operator Control Panel.

More Examples of N-Sci’s Experience and Capabilities:

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    Tenaris Algoma Tubes:

    Developed designs for the replacement of several industrial ranging in size from 50 to 450 hp. Detailed work included specifying equipment, developing replacement options, and creating/updating design drawings in CADD;

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    Member of owner’s engineering team that was responsible for all transmission connection activities (e.g. IESO SIA/CIA, HONI CIA, etc.).

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    BHM Great Lakes Ventures Inc.:

    Performed IESO facility registration, OEB wholesale license application support, and transmission connection agreement support for a pellet plant in Northern Ontario.

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    White River Forest Products:

    IESO IEI Stream 3 – Performed an energy audit for a sawmill that was being restarted after several years of being dormant.

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    St Marys Paper – Northern Industrial Electricity Rate Program (“NIERP”) Support:

    Performed an energy audit for a 50 MW paper mill and developed a Conservation and Demand Management Plan for submission to the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (“MNDM”).

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    ELLSIN Environmental (Sault Ste. Marie) – LDC Interconnection:

    Completed the high voltage plan approval process and LDC interconnection design and submission process for a new load connection.

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    China Steel Connection Upgrade:

    Provided LDC interconnection support for the 12.47 kV interconnection of a 1 MVA expansion of a load customer.

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    Triple M Metal (Sault Ste. Marie) Connection Upgrade:

    Designed the 34.5 kV interconnection for a 6 MVA expansion of a load customer including ESA submissions, LDC interface and commissioning services.